Monday, November 3, 2008

Am I or not?

I've decided that nature is cruel! I ovulated 7 days ago. I still have to wait at least 5 more days to find out if it worked and I'm pregnant or if once again we were unsuccessful and my period is going to show up. It's so aggravating! I mean....there should be some way to immediately know that we are pregnant. Like the minute you finish having sex a light on your forehead comes on or something.

I am just eager to see if my medicine worked! I had my progesterone levels checked today. I forgot to ask them when the results will be back so I'll call tomorrow and see if they have them, but I am not counting on it with election day and all. Probably Wednesday. It would be nice if I get it tomorrow though.

It would also be nice if it's a nice high number indicating a possible pregnancy. I'll be satisfied if it's just up around 15 or so where the RE would like to see it though. Oh this isn't fair.

I am having some symptoms that *might* look promising, but after two and a half years of this I have learned that most symtoms can be brought on by pregnancy or by pending menstrual flow (yet another one of natures unfair situations) so I am not too hopeful yet. My breasts feel heavy and have this strange burning, crampy sensation and have for several days now. I've had a kind of full feeling and a dull ache in my lower abdomen. And I have been so moody. I mean, I have cried over freaking EVERYTHING lately. I've always been an emotional person, but this is crazy! And I am tired. So flipping tired. It's only 7:30 and I can barely hold my eyes open.

If I go to bed now will someone please come wake me up on the 15th when I plan on testing? lol

1 comment:

Stream Mom said...

Lol. I like the idea of a light coming on on the forhead after sex. That would be wonderful.

I'm sending some BFP dust your way!