Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Trying the relaxed approach

So we've been trying this relaxed approach this cycle. I haven't been posting because short of giving you details about my sex lifeI didn't temp or use OPK's or anything. I decided a few days ago to go ahead and start temping again so that I knew for sure when I ovulated. I was annoyed that Clomid wasn't making me ovulate any earlier than I normally did ( did, but only by 1 or 2 days, which didn't help matters) so I was going to call my RE at the end of this cycle and demand that he upped my dosage. Well, I started temping on CD 15 and it appears that I ovulated on CD 14. A textbook cycle. Thank you Clomid! I am beyond thrilled! Kind of. Because I ovulated early I am not really sure that we covered our bases this cycle. We did get to BD the day before and the day after, but I would have done more if I had realized.

Anyway...that should mean that my period will show up earlier than normal. Hopefully right around the 28 day mark. I'm still waiting until normal time (day 30-32) to expect it though. IF it doesn't show I'll test on day 37 (December 15th). Timing would be awesome. If I get a BFP, I'd call my RE and he'd want to do an ultrasound at 6 weeks and 8 weeks, so around the 22nd of December and again around January 5th. I "could" see the heartbeat on the first ultrasound, and we've decided that once we confirmed a heartbeat we would tell the family. Sounds like a Christmas dinner to remember! lol That would also make me being due on August 16th. My mom's birthday is the 15th. For once I could actually do something right in her eyes. I'm not getting my hopes up too high though, because like I said......timing of sex wasn't that great this time.

I'll keep you posted.

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