Saturday, October 25, 2008

Maybe not

I guess I didn't O yet afterall. But I think I am getting ready to. Now I have to call the RE's office on Monday to find out do they want my bloodwork done on CD 21 or 7 dpo. In a textbook cycle, that is the same day. It won't be this cycle for me. My OPK today was so close to + that it isn't even funny. I'm expecting it to be + when I test again later today. I should ovulate in the next 24 hours or so. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? lol I'm having cramps on my left side too, so that must be were I am ovulating from. Hopefully it's two eggs! I want twins!

I'm still hopeful about this cycle. It's early enough that I could have a normal luteal phase easily. I just really want to be pregnant so bad that it hurts! I'm running out of steam, and if I have to quit will be so heartbreaking. I really think that part of me will die if I am never pregnant again. Maybe that sounds stupid, but I just want this so desperately. I've never wanted anything this much before!

1 comment:

Stream Mom said...

I'm a fellow Justmommies poster...and found your blog in your siggy. I'm so hoping and praying that you guys get pregnant with this cycle!

Lots of dust to you! I look forward to continue reading your blog...especially if there is a little bean in there before long!