Thursday, October 23, 2008

I did. I think. Did I?

I think I ovulated. Which sucks. It sucks because Matt had been sick for a few days. There hadn't been any "deposits" lately. It's not completely impossible, but after 31 cycles, I'm realistic, and my chances this cycle aren't. It also sucks because I never got a positive OPK even though I was using a good brand and testing twice a day. For some reason my body just isn't working with them anymore. So frustrating!

My temperature was up today, which indicates that I probably did ovulate. Especially since I was cold and expecting it to be down. I couldn't believe that it was up nearly a whole degree. (4 tenths of a degree indicates ovulation) I did temp late this morning but if anything that should have made it lower instead of higher. I'll have to see what happens in the morning and the next day to know for sure, but I'm fairly certain.

There is a good side to this. I'm on cycle day 14. I don't think I have ever ovulated on day 14. It means that Clomid is doing it's job! I should have a nice long LP and if there are any swimmers in there that make it to the egg they should have time to fertilize and then the egg could implant before I start my period (which has been part of the problem in the past.....just ovulating too late and not having time for this to happen).

I want this to be the cycle that I finally get pregnant with a healthy pregnancy. It would be so perfect. We could have an ultrasound at the RE's office early on (around 8 weeks) and see the heartbeat. We've agreed to tell the family once we see the heartbeat (which can be seen as early as 6 weeks, but waiting until 8 weeks ensures that we should see it and will eliminate the chance of unneeded stress.) With the timing.....if we got it this cycle we could tell everyone at Christmas. That would be so fun! I'm hopeful, however after 31 cycles, I'm also realistic, and I'm not getting my hopes up too high. I guess we'll know in a few weeks.

I'm still not testing early though. It causes too much heartache!

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