Thursday, December 4, 2008

Another milestone

It really amazes me how much trying to conceive takes over your life. Or how much the little things can make you jump for joy. I'm officially at 12 dpo, and no spotting yet *knocks on wood* There might have been a very faint line on my test today. Not totally sure. I am going to get a test from the dollar store tomorrow and use with caution. While they have their issues, they are also generally more sensitive than the First Response tests I've been using.

Matt's laughing at me because even though I said I wasn't going to obsess over symptoms....I get excited over all of them. I wake up, check my temp (and comment on it) press on my boobs to see if they are still sore (and get excited to realize they are) Go to the bathroom to check cervical position and CM, realizing on the way that I am now dizzy in the mornings (and excited about that too). Heartburn, nausea, headaches, frequent trips to the ladies room, and being bloated also excite me. I've never been so happy to feel like crap in my life. lol

Something else pretty great happened today. At least great in my book. I've been hosting on and off at JustMommies for about a year and a half now. I started out co-hosting on the fertility charting board in July of 2007. I've hosted six different boards there. I started with the fertility charting board and the TTC 6 months + board. I had to step down from them because I lost my internet access for a while. Then I moved on to the TTC 1 year + board (Life got to crazy when Sierra was first diagnosed with epilepsy so I stepped down from this one) and the Secondary Infertility board (which I still host) for a while I was hosting the In The News board (news got to stressful). Recently a position on the main Trying to Conceive board opened up, and I had wanted to co-host that board since I joined JM. Well, today I found out that I have been nominated as host of the month. Matt's first question was "Do you win something?" I laughed and said yeah, if I win I get a cool blinkie for my signature. The awesome thing in my mind though is just that my efforts have been recognized. I love hosting the boards, and it feels so good that the moderators have noticed what I have been doing and think I deserved this nomination.

They way it works is that the mods and admins decided who is deserving of the nominations, and then they open up a poll and let all the hosts get to check out the boards of those nominees and then vote on who does the best job. As cheesy as it may sound, I am just really honored that they nominated me! There are six other awesome ladies nominated, and they all do a great job. It just really excited me to see my name on that list. They'll announce the winner on Monday probably.

So anyway, that's my news. I might be pregnant, but even if it isn't I can't get too upset because my meds are doing what they are supposed to do (though I can't lie.....I'm going to be crushed if I am not). I've been recognized by the moderators on JustMommies and that feels great. Oh yeah.....and I feel like crap and that really excites me. If I am not pregnant I am definitely going to the doctor! LOL

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