Thursday, October 30, 2008

I guess I did

So I did ovulate. It's not a question anymore. It just wasn't as early as I thought it was. It looks like our timing was good this cycle, so if the Clomid has done it's job, then hopefully by the 15th we will have a positive pregnancy test! I go for my progesterone test on Monday, Nov.3. I'll get the answers back on the 5th. Should be a 24 hour turn around but with election day it will take an extra 24 hours (unless I can get it done at the hospital...I'm checking into that....then maybe same day results). I'm trying not to get too excited but I am hopeful.

We decided to pick two names for each sex so that we are prepared just in case. We've already settled on our two names for boys and our possible girl names is down to a short list now. It's a bit harder to pick a girl name. There are so many that I like!

I've nearly finished crocheting one blanket, and I plan on making at least 2 more, 1 for a girl and one neutral. I'm also making little hats for boys, girls and neutral. I really think that all this TTC has finally started to eat away at my sanity. I caught myself rubbing my belly and talking to it earlier today. LOL If this is our cycle the baby hasn't even implanted and I am already talking to him/her. Yep....I'm starting to lose it!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Maybe not

I guess I didn't O yet afterall. But I think I am getting ready to. Now I have to call the RE's office on Monday to find out do they want my bloodwork done on CD 21 or 7 dpo. In a textbook cycle, that is the same day. It won't be this cycle for me. My OPK today was so close to + that it isn't even funny. I'm expecting it to be + when I test again later today. I should ovulate in the next 24 hours or so. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? lol I'm having cramps on my left side too, so that must be were I am ovulating from. Hopefully it's two eggs! I want twins!

I'm still hopeful about this cycle. It's early enough that I could have a normal luteal phase easily. I just really want to be pregnant so bad that it hurts! I'm running out of steam, and if I have to quit will be so heartbreaking. I really think that part of me will die if I am never pregnant again. Maybe that sounds stupid, but I just want this so desperately. I've never wanted anything this much before!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I did. I think. Did I?

I think I ovulated. Which sucks. It sucks because Matt had been sick for a few days. There hadn't been any "deposits" lately. It's not completely impossible, but after 31 cycles, I'm realistic, and my chances this cycle aren't. It also sucks because I never got a positive OPK even though I was using a good brand and testing twice a day. For some reason my body just isn't working with them anymore. So frustrating!

My temperature was up today, which indicates that I probably did ovulate. Especially since I was cold and expecting it to be down. I couldn't believe that it was up nearly a whole degree. (4 tenths of a degree indicates ovulation) I did temp late this morning but if anything that should have made it lower instead of higher. I'll have to see what happens in the morning and the next day to know for sure, but I'm fairly certain.

There is a good side to this. I'm on cycle day 14. I don't think I have ever ovulated on day 14. It means that Clomid is doing it's job! I should have a nice long LP and if there are any swimmers in there that make it to the egg they should have time to fertilize and then the egg could implant before I start my period (which has been part of the problem in the past.....just ovulating too late and not having time for this to happen).

I want this to be the cycle that I finally get pregnant with a healthy pregnancy. It would be so perfect. We could have an ultrasound at the RE's office early on (around 8 weeks) and see the heartbeat. We've agreed to tell the family once we see the heartbeat (which can be seen as early as 6 weeks, but waiting until 8 weeks ensures that we should see it and will eliminate the chance of unneeded stress.) With the timing.....if we got it this cycle we could tell everyone at Christmas. That would be so fun! I'm hopeful, however after 31 cycles, I'm also realistic, and I'm not getting my hopes up too high. I guess we'll know in a few weeks.

I'm still not testing early though. It causes too much heartache!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been awhile.

I haven't been posting anywhere in a couple of weeks....except on JustMommies. I've been in a bit of a funk about life in general. Just passed my Dad's birthday and in January we'll hit 2 years since he passed away (how is it freaking possible that it's been that long!) and I also just passed the 2 year anniversary of my first miscarriage. That sucks. Still no baby. Still not pregnant. I never imagined it would take so long.

This cycle is the first time that I took Clomid. The cycle started on October 10th (the anniversary of my miscarriage no less!) and I took Clomid on CD 3-7. What it does (if I got this right) is blocks communication in the body so that my body thinks I'm not producing estrogen.
The hypothalamus responds by producing more GnRH which then stimulates the pituitary to produce FSH. In a normal cycle healthy follicles produce estrogen, which signals the hypothalamus to reduce production of FSH. Because the Clomid is blocking communications, FSH is still being produced resulting in larger, healthier and potentially more eggs. Then, when you stop taking the Clomid the body reacts to the estrogen, cutting off the FSH, and beginning production of LH, which leads to the release of the eggs.

I felt really excited early in the cycle, but I didn't post because I was afraid to jinx it. Now....IDK, not feeling it so much. I guess just my way of preparing for the letdown I've gotten every other month. I haven't ovulated yet. Should be in the next few days. We should definitely have things covered when the time comes. Matt has been making "deposits" daily at least. I don't know what's gotten into us but we're like newlyweds again! lol I won't be testing early this cycle. It has caused too much heartache so far. I'm waiting until I'm late. I won't test before November 15th, at which point I'm basically sure to get a positive because I'll be a week late by then.

I have to go in on CD 21 and have my progesterone levels checked again to see if the Clomid has fixed that problem.....which it should (we hope). Other than that, the rest of this cycle should be pretty boring. I'll post the results of the progesterone check when I get them. (possibly on the 31st, but I may get stuck waiting until Nov. 3rd to get them. Why oh why do my tests always fall at the end of the week, making me wait all weekend for results?!?) After that, I'll let you know what my RE says in regards to my progesterone levels, and let you know either if AF shows up or when I test.