Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Semen Analysis

Matt has to go in later today for his semen analysis. On Friday I'll have to go get blood drawn to check my progesterone levels, and then Monday it's off to the RE to see if he wants to follow through with the plan for an immediate IUI or if he wants to try something else first. The way things look now, we might have to try a few cycles of Clomid and trying on our own before we go to IUI, but I'm okay with that because now insurance is going to help pay for the treatment. (We thought we had to pay it all out of pocket and even had plans of borrowing against Matt's retirement to do it!) If insurance is going to cover some, if not all of the treatments, then sure......I'll try a few cycles just doing medication. Maybe that's all I really need. And if not....well, it gives me time to knock off some more weight before getting fat again! lol Part of me is still hoping that we are going to do an IUI right away though. Guess I'll find out on Monday!

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