Saturday, August 16, 2008

Prayers are being answered!

There are people all over the world now (thanks to friends I've made online) who are praying about my situation. I'd asked for tons of prayers about my appointment yesterday. I wanted God to guided the doctor and lead him where ever I needed to go treatment wise. I had never seen this doctor before and honestly expected that he would order some blood work, write a prescription for Clomid, progesterone, and possibly Metaformin (for PCOS which we are sure I have. blood work and an ultrasound will confirm that) and send me on my way to try that for at least a few cycles. 

During the appointment things were going pretty much the way I expected. He did a pap/pelvic exam, he ordered bloodwork, and he started talking meds. He mentioned that we needed to have an official semen analysis (we did one that we bought over the internet that just gave a simple answer of you have enough or your don't have enough) they need exact counts and such, which we expected. He said we could try Clomid and that may take care of everything.......then he threw me for a loop. I really didn't expect least not this soon. He looked me straight in the face and said...."I feel like if we do clomid or any other medicated cycle at this point I am just wasting your time and stealing your money." He went on to say he doesn't really believe that they problem is with either one of us, but a combination of problems with both of us and so he immediately referred us on to a reproductive endocrinologist and recommended IUI using Clomid and a trigger shot to induce ovulation.

I was shocked at first, but the more I think about this the more excited I get. There is a high success rate using IUI and when you use Clomid or IUI you have the chance of multiple. Combining them, we have a very real chance of ending up with twins! My appointment with the RE is on September 5th, and I should be starting my next cycle right about then also, so it's a very real possibility that we could be starting this next month!!!

Here is a link that will tell you a bit more about the procedure if you are interested. It's not a real romantic way to get a baby, but if it gives me a baby that's the important thing! lol


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