Thursday, September 18, 2008

Surgery is over

I had my surgery yesterday.  I'm doing okay. Starting to feel it a bit more. I screwed up though and was only taking my pain meds every 9 hours instead of every 4 (Because I was feeling fine, and now I'm hurting. Not to terrible, but enough that I know it's happened! Turns out I don't have endometriosis. I has some adhesions on the posterior cul-de-sac of the fallopian tubes where they pick up the fertilized egg, so he removed those, and said it should significantly increase our chances of conception. I'm allowed to start trying again next week (and shouldn't ovulate until probably the week after or later.) so hopefully I'll be pregnant soon!

For now I am off to bed to relax and maybe nap. Percocet makes me loopy! :P

Saturday, September 13, 2008

catching up

OK class, we have a lot to cover today to catch up to where we should be, so I need everyone to quiet down and.......oh who am I kidding? lol We all know you are the only one reading this Kelly!

Here's the deal. Matt's semen analysis I talked about it the last entry got canceled, and I was furious to say the least. It was starting to look like we might not get it done any time soon when my new doctor (the RE) came through for us. Well, his staff anyway. We called and let them know what was going on and they squeezed him in to get it done after my appointment on the 8th. So I went on the 5th  to get my progesterone levels checked and they inform me that this test has to be sent away and that the results won't be back until Monday sometime. GRRR! I needed them Monday morning, I told them that when I called to schedule and specifically asked if they could do the test in their lab! So now I'm in a pissy mood again and pretty sure I'm done with that clinic.(On top of lying to me about doing the test in house, they made me sit and wait over an hour for them to draw one flipping tube of blood! And charged me like $165.00 for it!

Anywho....on the 8th we went to the RE's office for our first visit with him. I just gotta say...this doctor is AWESOME! He looks over my charts, and my tests that I had faxed over. He asks some questions and then tells us we have several options.  He lays out all these options, most of which involve testing, surgery and meds, in one particular order or another, and all ending in really expensive fertility treatments. Then he said...."Now let me lay out what I truly believe is the best option for the two of you." So it sounded great and here is the new plan:
First, we are taking a break from trying to conceive.
We got my progesterone test back, and they are low. Not horribly low, but just enough to screw things up. This will be fixed by a prescription of either Clomid or Femara. Second we did Matt's semen analysis. They check three areas...count (how many are there), motility (are the forward moving), and morphology (are the the right size with one head and one tail). They wanted his count to be around 20 million, motility at 50% and morphology at 4%. Higher is even better.  His results.......count 100 million, motility 67.9% and morphology 7%. They said he has super sperm.
He told us he expected this to be pretty normal, and it was above normal. He really believes that the entire problem lies within me. He's sure that I have endometriosis, so I go in Wednesday (the 17th) at noon to have a laparoscopic surgery done to confirm that and remove all the endometrial tissue that's wandering around inside my body. Since I'm already under anesthesia and he is already doing the lap, he's also going to do a hysteroscopy that day. That's were they dilate my cervix and go in with a scope to check out my uterus, tubes and ovaries. There are other ways to check them, but this way he can make any repairs immediately, and I only have to be under the anesthesia once. It's an out patient surgery and I'll be home that night, so no biggie. I have to take it easy for the rest of the week and Monday I'm back to normal activities.

After I heal from the surgery and we are cleared to start TTC again, then I will get the prescription for Clomid or Femara and we will try on our own for a few more months. (possibly as many as 6 months, but it's entirely up to Matt and I) He really thinks that we are going to be able to get pregnant on our own once we have this surgery done, and because of the meds, there is still going to be an elevated chance of twins!

I'm really nervous about the surgery, but I also know that it's very likely that I am going to get pregnant soon after this, so it's also very exciting. I'll update after the surgery but don't expect to hear anything before Friday or Saturday. Pain meds make me REALLY loopy, so I probably won't feel up to posting much of anything before then.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Semen Analysis

Matt has to go in later today for his semen analysis. On Friday I'll have to go get blood drawn to check my progesterone levels, and then Monday it's off to the RE to see if he wants to follow through with the plan for an immediate IUI or if he wants to try something else first. The way things look now, we might have to try a few cycles of Clomid and trying on our own before we go to IUI, but I'm okay with that because now insurance is going to help pay for the treatment. (We thought we had to pay it all out of pocket and even had plans of borrowing against Matt's retirement to do it!) If insurance is going to cover some, if not all of the treatments, then sure......I'll try a few cycles just doing medication. Maybe that's all I really need. And if not....well, it gives me time to knock off some more weight before getting fat again! lol Part of me is still hoping that we are going to do an IUI right away though. Guess I'll find out on Monday!