Friday, July 11, 2008


I have a doctors appointment on the 17th. My cycles lately have been so short and light that I am worried something might be wrong. The good thing is that with my cycles being messed up, they can order some of the more expensive tests like the HSG as medically needed and insurance has to cover it. If it was ordered just for fertility reasons they wouldn't.

I'm hoping that I can get in and get that done right away because I don't really want to wait another cycle to have it done, and it has to be done BEFORE ovulation. If I can't get it scheduled immediately I probably won't get to do it this month.

I have a women's lunch/cleaning day at the church in a few hours. I am going to ask all the ladies to pray about this for me. I've been wanting to be pregnant for so long, and I am really starting to lose hope that it's ever going to happen naturally. I don't know if I can convince Matt that IVF or IUI is something we can do, because he is so worried about the cost. I really need this to happen soon. The stress is really starting to get to me.

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Hey there! Come on in. Have a seat. The door is always open. There is always a pitcher of sweet tea or ice water, and it'll only take a minute to whip up some lemonaide or brew some fresh coffee.

Now that you've found me, let me tell you a little about me. My name is Stephanie. I was born on May 9th 1980. I had a mother, and the best father in the world! I love my Daddy so much. I also miss him alot too. Daddy was called home to heaven on January 22, 2007. I was by his side, and letting go was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I don't think I would have survived this if it weren't for my amazing husband Matthew.

 I met Matt online. We started "dating" online in October of 2005. My divorce from my first husband had finalized the month before and people were pretty sure that this whole on-line thing was just a phase I was going through. In a way they were right! 5 months after we started "dating" and 3.5 months after meeting face to face, I packed up my kids, my car and I moved halfway across the country to be with Matt! He's a wonderful husband and an amazing father.

Speaking of the kids, let me tell you just a little bit about them. I am the proud mother to six beautiful children and proud step-mother to three more! My heart is full! Sadly my home is not. 4 of my children are angels as are all 3 of my step children. They never walked on this earth, all 7 of them were called to heaven while still in the womb, but they were real, and they were loved none the less. I'm sure any mother who has suffered through a miscarriage can understand exactly what I mean when I say my babies were real. And I feel the same way about my step-angels. I did not know their mother. I didn't meet their father until after they were gone, but he loved them very much, and they were a part of him. For that reason, I love them too. My two living children are Sierra and Will. Sierra was born on April 11th, 1998. A few years later, on June 10th, 2001 William came into our world.

Matt and I have been trying to conceive our first living child together since March of 2006. This is going to be the story of our journey. There will be ups and downs. There will be happy times, and sad times. Hopefully there will be more happy times, but whatever God has planned for us, we will take it and be stronger, better people because of it.

Thank you for taking this journey with us. Feel free to ask questions and offer support along the way. I love sharing with people, but know that I will not allow anyone to be negative or less than supportive here. Any comments that are rude or judgmental will be deleted. After all, this is my place, and I have the right to make sure this is a safe place for me and for my angels.

Peace be with you,